Old Stone Brush 2013-06-13

Old Stone Brush

Castle Carver and Mountain Sage

"It is your very urgency that convinces me there is no more important thing in this moment than to prepare the tea."

Old Stone Brush takes a deliberate approach to things when he can, preferring to appreciate the world, and the worlds, in their variety and texture rather than rushing through it trailing clouds of smoke and glory. He sees himself as a student of life more than a grand actor on its stage, and loves seeing the humor and secrets revealed to those who take a longer view. He's apt to lose interest with others who are driven by outward ambition, and more attracted to those driven by curiosity, by kindness, and by devotion to attainment. But he honors and supports his friends, even when they might fly off the handle a little.

Where a sorcerer might spend hours grooming his spells, Old Stone Brush takes time to meditate, to clear his thoughts and breath, and to keep up practice of the Mountain Heart Way, his tradition of martial arts.

Lords of Gossamer and Shadow 2013-06-11

To quote the LoGaS Kickstarter,

Lords of Gossamer & Shadow is a stand alone game using Erick Wujcik's diceless rules system which powered Amber Diceless Role-Playing.

From May 15th, 2013 (the Kickstarter closing date) to sometime in September, I expect the LoGaS rulebook publication project (with extra stretch goodies) to be in progress, and according to Steve Russell's updates, to be available at retail in early 2014.

Steve Russell (publisher of Rite Publishing) has opened up discussion forums on his site, which you can read (and register, if you want to participate).
Rite Forum Index
Public LoGaS Forums

Scobie Redfern 2013-06-11

Scobie Redfern

Ex-Soldier / Dimension Wanderer

From Kenneth Bulmer's parallel-worlds novel "The Wizards of Senchuria"

A demobilized veteran and rootless opportunist, Scobie Redfern used to think of himself as a regular guy just trying to get along in a world full of traps for saps. Swept by accident into one of the cross-dimension smuggling operations of Perdita, the acquisitive and ruthless Contessa di Montevarchi, Scobie was imprisoned on another world and set to work slaving in one of the Contessa's gem mines. When a lucky disturbance offered the slave miners a chance, they made good their escape by freeing a pair of slave Porteurs and fleeing across a string of dangerous parallel worlds till they found an uncertain haven with the technological wizards of Senchuria.

Senchuria was an ancient city-state that had mastered high attainment in genetics, medicine, cyborganic revival. A specialty was the capture, storage, and projection of emotions, which they used to protect the city by turning foes into pacifists, cowards, or lunatics. The Wizards had manipulated their party of refugees into pairing up romantically to harvest their emotions of love and joy, pairing Scobie with Val. Scobie learned this, was appalled, and broke out with Val in tow, earning his keep with the fear and anger the Wizards harvested as he ran the Wizards' gauntlet of giant insects and ghoul-like cyborganic guards, and earning respect for his effective tactics.

Sky Captain Hawk 2013-06-09

Hawk Springer

Space Prince / Sky Captain


  • PSY: Ranked
  • STR: Low Rank
  • END: Low Rank
  • WAR: Ranked

63 Attributes

10 Warden of the Grand Stair

Fleeing attack, handed the Key by his mentor who held back the foes, Hawk found himself not at the expected safe haven but on the Grand Stair, the portal sealed behind him. His first walk initiated him into the Stair, and after his sojourn on Nimbus Argo, his later return confirmed his power. Despite searching the Stair, he has not been able to find a way back to his own world.

Clever 2013-06-07

Jade Dominguez is clever to have written Ruhoh.
But from the name, I can't help but think of Scooby-Doo.

First experiences: it looks simpler than it is. Preview mode will let you navigate pages that won't compile, without warning. It has some simple expectations (all posts must have a date) enforced by crashing a compile when the expectation is not met.

So it's in some ways closer to a blogging environment where commands must be issued to prepare page templates; but the pages themselves are pretty easy to put together. The comments I've seen about static site generators being a little more technical appear to be borne out by my first experience trying to compile the site to pages.